Discover compassionate healing and support through Western Reserve Grief Services, a community-based grief support program.
Hospice of the Western Reserve offers a variety of in-person and virtual monthly support groups to support individuals processing grief. Our support groups provide a safe space to explore challenging emotions, share personal stories and discover nurturing ways to cope with loss.
Yes. Support groups, Healing Arts workshops, camps, retreats and special events hosted by the Hospice of the Western Reserve are all available to the entire community.
We work with area businesses, schools, and healthcare providers to offer education programs on grief and loss. Each program is tailored to meet the specific needs of the requesting group, with variations in length, topic, and cost.
A professional referral is not required to receive grief services. Those coping with a death can contact us by calling 216.486.6838 or 800.707.8922.
Generous support from the community allows Hospice of the Western Reserve to offer most programs and services to the participant at no cost. Camps, retreats, and art therapy programs require a nominal registration fee. Professional workshops, seminars, and some courses incur a separate fee schedule. However, we do not turn anyone away, regardless of ability to pay and we offer scholarships.
Created by the Western Reserve Grief Services team, About Grief includes articles and resources to assist the bereaved as they move through the grief process. View the latest issue here.
Speak with the referral team by contacting us 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We will do our best to schedule a visit on the same day it is needed.
At the heart of our mission we aim to enhance the quality of life for those nearing the end of life’s journey and those who grieve. We could not do this important work without the support of generous individuals like you.
Each of our team members makes a profound impact in our mission of providing exceptional care and support to patients and their loved ones. Turn your calling into your career.